PDI-P Parts Ways with Budiman Sudjatmiko
25 Agustus 2023
BATANG — TNI-Polri bersama Kecamatan Limpung terus bersinergi melaksanakan pendisiplinan Protokol kesehatan dengan menggelar Operasi Yustisi dan pembagian masker ke warga. Menurut Kapolsek Limpung Polres Batang AKP Yorisa Prabowo mengatakan,...
Read moreJakarta (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Areas and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) invites Polri to participate in overseeing the use of village funds. "Gus Minister (Mendes PDTT...
Read moreMerdeka.com - The Head of the Traffic Corps of the Indonesian Police, Inspector General of Police Istiono, said that the antigen swab tests during implementation at 149 points were effective...
Read moreHumas.polri.go.id - In order to anticipate the spread of the Corona virus, Bhabinkamtibmas of South Wara Police, Aiptu Sudirman, carried out sambang and gave an appeal. Bhabinkamtibmas asked its assisted...
Read moreJAKARTA - The Directorate of Cyber Crime, Bareskrim Polri will examine the Managing Director of BPJS Kesehatan Ali Ghufron Mukti, regarding the leakage of 279 million Indonesian population data on...
Read moreKediri - Kediri City Police continue to remind residents of the dangers of COVID-19 that still threatens. They held an outreach by bringing coffins and pocong dolls. In the socialization...
Read moreRegional Police TightenKorlatan the South Sumatra Police- Head of South Sumatra Police, Inspector General Prof. Dr. Eko Indra Heri and entourage accompanied by Chief of Police Ogan Ilir AKBP Yusantiyo...
Read moreCIREBONRAYA - Chief of Indonesian National Police (Kapolri) Listyo Sigit Prabowo launched police services with access code 110. The launch was commander accompanied by TNI Commander Hadi Tjahjanto and was...
Read moreJakarta (ANTARA) - As many as eight people were arrested in connection with the burning of the Candipuro Police Office, South Lampung, and the eight people were suspected of being...
Read morePR DEPOK - The existence of the Poso East Indonesia Mujahidin (MIT) terrorist group that was included in the People Wanted List (DPO) after killing 4 farmers has been found...
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