Member of Commission IV of the DPR RI, Slamet, expressed his disappointment because a number of policies made by the current government are considered more in favor of entrepreneurs than the people. He explained two government policies that were considered more in favor of entrepreneurs than the people. The policy is an increase in Value Added Tax (PPN) to 11 percent and also changes to Government Regulation (PP) Number 11 of 2022 on PP Number 4 of 2016 which have an impact on farmers as people.
“I appeal to the government regarding the 11 percent VAT, it turns out that this also concerns fertilizers. Because a circular appeared that redemption would wait after there was an adjustment to this 11 percent VAT. The conditions for farmers are already difficult,” said Slamet at the Commission IV DPR RI Hearing Meeting (RDP) with the Echelon I of the Ministry of Agriculture at the Nusantara Building, Senayan, Jakarta, on Monday (April 4, 2022). This meeting is a follow-up meeting from the previous meeting.
The Ministry of Agriculture in its main activity plan for the 2023 fiscal year related to animal husbandry, has 4 activities, namely the cow village corporation, the goat/sheep village corporation, the dairy cow village corporation, and the development of 1,000 swallow villages. This program is also considered to be in favor of entrepreneurs.
“Today, where will the government take sides? Frankly, today’s government is more on the side of entrepreneurs than farmers,” this political criticism of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) was.
Slamet also oversees the amendment of PP No. 11 of 2022 to PP No. 4 of 2016. This change means that apart from State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), other business actors can import or import animals.
“So I also have the same statement. Today’s government is more on the side of entrepreneurs than the people. From all sides, plantations have now imported agriculture related to animals as well,” said the legislator for the West Java IV electoral district.