PDI-P Parts Ways with Budiman Sudjatmiko
25 Agustus 2023
IDNAround.com - The right to inquiry is the DPR's right to conduct an investigation into the implementation of a law and/or government policy relating to important, strategic matters and having ...
IDNAround – The General Elections Commission’s (KPU) Regulation No. 10/2023 regarding the nomination of members of the House of Representatives (DPR), Provincial Representatives Council, and Regency/City Representatives Council drew protests from ...
IDNAround – The House of Representatives on Tuesday enacted the bill on the Criminal Code into law despite mounting public criticisms over its controversial articles, including one that criminalizes sex outside ...
IDNAround - Check out a number of markets in the draft of Criminal Code (RKUHP) which are considered harmful and detrimental to certain groups. The RKUHP could easily criminally ensnare ...