PDI-P Parts Ways with Budiman Sudjatmiko
25 Agustus 2023
Jakarta - On May 6, 2021, exactly 100 days of the journey of General Listyo Sigit Prabowo's leadership in the police. Responding to this momentum, the Central GMKI through its...
Read morePangkep. Head of SPKT II Aipda Usman. Sh and Bhabinkamtibmas Aipda Mufti carried out a night blue light patrol using a backbone car in the village of Bonto Bonto village...
Read morePapua-Binmas Noken bersama Sekretaris Yayasan GAM Papua, Arnold Romsumbre melaksanakan bincang sore pada Selasa,11 Mei 2021. Diskusi ringan tersebut membahas sudut pandang seorang aktifis HAM sekaligus putera asli Papua atas...
Read moreMerdeka.com - The National Police acknowledges that the Hand-Catch Operation (OTT) of Nganjuk Regent Novi Rahman Hidayat (NRH) is the first collaboration with theEradication CorruptionCommission (KPK) in terms of arrest...
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