KENDARI – The South Sulawesi Police Mobile Brigade Unit prepared 30 personnel to escort the departure of the 2020 PON athlete contingent in Papua.
Before departing, the tens of Brimob personnel first held a security simulation for the athletes by involving a number of tactical vehicles and weapons.
The simulation was attended by the Head of the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police, Inspector General of the Pol Yan Sultra, the Regional Secretary of the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government (Pemprov), the Southeast Sulawesi KONI management, as well as the athletes who will go to the Papua PON event.
The Commander of the Brimob Unit (Dansat) of the Southeast Sulawesi Police, Kombes Pol Adarma Sinaga said a security simulation was held to ensure and ensure the safety of the athletes who will compete in the upcoming Papua PON event.
“The simulation was held in the form of security given to athletes and official representatives of Southeast Sulawesi. The concept of security is that every athlete will receive a tight escort from Brimob troops with special abilities,” said Adarma Sinaga, Saturday (4/9/2021).
Adarma added that the prepared Brimob troops from the Southeast Sulawesi Police have special abilities and have been trained on how to carry out security according to standards when they are at the Papua PON location later.
“So later our members who have been prepared will continue to guarantee their safety (athletes) while in Papua, both when competing and in the hotel where they are staying. By default, our troops are equipped with special abilities, so that the athlete’s safety is truly maintained,” he said.
The Regional Secretary of the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government, Nur Endang Abbas, appreciated the support and readiness of the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police Satbrimob in providing security for the athletes who would go to Papua.
“We are very appreciative and grateful for the support and contribution of the Satbrimob Polda Sultra to athletes,” said Endang after watching the simulation of security for athletes at the Headquarters of the Satbrimobda Sultra.
According to him, this is a form of proof that the National Police will always be there and guarantee the safety of citizens, such as athletes who will go to Papua.