The tradition of pora swords colored the welcome and farewell parade to welcome the Barelang Police Chief, on Wednesday (05/01/2022).
The Welcome And Farewell Parade tradition begins with the welcoming of the new Barelang Police Chief, KBP Nugroho Tri Nuryanto, SH, SIK, MH with flower garlands followed by a line of respect then greeted with a procession of pora swords.
In his remarks, KBP Yos Guntur FS, SH, SIK, MH thanked all members of the Barelang Police for always helping in carrying out their duties, so that the security situation in Batam City is maintained.
“I thank you for all the support in carrying out my duties so far. It will not be possible to carry out all tasks without the support of Batam City personnel and people,” he said.
KBP Yos Guntur FS, SH, SIK, MH advised that the ranks of the Barelang Police Station could continue to provide support to the new Barelang Police Chief in order to make the Barelang Police Station even better.
The Barelang Police Chief KBP Nugroho Tri Nuryanto, SH, SIK, MH in his remarks will continue the previous Barelang Police Chief’s programs and ask all members, from the Sector Police to the Barelang Police to help with their daily tasks.
After the farewell ceremony for the Barelang Police Chief, KBP Nugroho Tri Nuryanto, SH, SIK, MH accompanied by the Main Official, the Sector Police and all Barelang Police personnel delivered KBP Yos Guntur FS, SH, SIK, MH, accompanied by a procession of pora swords leaving the Barelang Police Headquarters who will change duties to the Riau Police as Director of Drugs and Drugs at Riau Police.