The Pati Police Driver’s License (SIM) service occupies the new Satpas building on Jalan AKBP Agil Kusumadya Pati.
The general public or SIM applicants can collect data at the location, starting Monday 6 December 2021.
The Pati Police Chief through the SIM Baur, explained Bripka Hery Prayitno, this Satpas building is dedicated to services for the construction of new SIMs and extensions.
“The facilities are very adequate and representative. From the reading corner, to the BRI table, from the children’s play corner to the breastfeeding room. And now, to enter this Satpas, you must use a barcode,” explained Bripka Hery.
Therefore, anyone who is not interested, he continued, cannot enter.
“There is absolutely no intermediary. What exists is the community as SIM applicants themselves,” he said.
The Satpas building, named Bripka Hery, is also equipped with a practical test area for both two-wheeled vehicles (motorcycles) and four-wheeled vehicles (cars).
“Everything exists and is in accordance with the provisions based on the current Perkap and Perpol,” he said.
However, he continued, medical tests were still carried out on Jalan Prajurit Pelajar and psychological tests at the Pratama Bhayangkari clinic, Jalan Pangeran Diponegoro, Pati.
He appealed to the public to stay safe while driving and obey traffic rules and signs.
“And for those who want to expand or make a new SIM card, come to Satpas Pati, Monday to Thursday at 08.00 to 15.00 WIB and Friday to Saturday at 08.00 to 12.00 WIB. Don’t be confused anymore people, the address is already on Google map ”, concluded Bripka Hery.