Karanganyar – The Karanganyar Police Sat Binmas held the construction of the Kamtibmas Da’i Forum in order to face the Christmas and New Year (Nataru) holiday moments at the Karanganyar Regent’s Office Hall Hall, Thursday (9/12/2021).
Present on the occasion were the Regent of Karanganyar, Juliyatmono, Head of Binmas Karanganyar Police, AKP Luqman Tri Nofianto, Kasdim 0727 Karanganyar, Major Inf. 17 districts.
The Head of Binmas at the Karanganyar Police, AKP Luqman Tri Nofianto said that this activity was held in an effort to create a safe and conducive Kamtibmas situation ahead of Nataru.
“Every Da’i Kamtibmas has a role to convey and invite the public to participate in security and order efforts,” he said.
The Karanganyar Police Sat Binmas always tries to coordinate and provide support to the Da’i Kamtibmas.
In order to face the Nataru holiday, he continued, health protocols must continue to be applied according to recommendations from the government even though the implementation of PPKM Level 3 is canceled.
The Regent of Karanganyar, Juliyatmono, expressed his gratitude for the role of Da’i Kamtibmas so far. He hopes that the Da’i will continue to try to invite the community to do good.
“Every opportunity I always convey to have a good prejudice. Because the emergence of disputes arises from prejudice,” he said.
Yuli as he is familiarly known, revealed that the Karanganyar Regency Government will hold a virtual Karanganyar Bersalawat this month.
“To pray for the end of 2021 and welcome 2022,” he concluded.