The National Police will take firm action against members of the National Police who are proven to have made mistakes, both in terms of ethics and criminal acts. This was conveyed by the Head of Public Relations of the Resort Police, Inspector General Pol. Dedi Prasetyo, in response to the emergence of #percumalaporpolisi regarding one day someone circulating on social Twitter.
Therefore, said Dedi, the Kapolda and Kapolres did not hesitate to take firm action against police officers who made mistakes, in accordance with the National Police Chief (Perkap) regulations and statutory regulations.
“According to the indications of the National Police Chief at the time of his appointment at Kasatwil as the Regional Police Chief (Kapolda and Kapolres), they did not hesitate to take firm action against members who resigned. found guilty,” said the Inspector General. Dedi at the Rupatama Police Headquarters, South Jakarta, Monday (6/12)./2021).
Dedi was reluctant to respond if the hashtag did not need to be reported to the police because there was something wrong. in relation to the case of Bripda Randy Bagus who served at the Pasuruan Police, East Java
“The National Police Propam only carries out quality assurance, quality control, how to apply the applicable laws and regulations. On the propam side, it refers to the code of ethics of testing ethics. In accordance with applicable standards, “he said.
However, continued Dedi, the National Police will accept all suggestions, contributions and reviews from the entire community, because this is part of the assessment that will continue to be carried out by the Bhayangkara agency.
“Once again, suggestions and criticisms from the entire community are used as input and evaluation material. We express our gratitude and appreciation to all parties who want the Police to become a good organization, loved by the community and able to carry out their duties professionally,” said Dedi.
“This means that the balance between punishment and reward must be carried out starting from the local police, from the Regional Police to the Police Headquarters, this is our commitment,” he said. There was no need, at that time there were many procedural violations by members of the National Police in handling the trial, including a trafficker who was a victim of persecution and was instead made a suspect. The police then responded to the hashtag with the hashtag guerra. #polizia according to procedure.