The National Police and the New Zealand National Police signed a cooperation in the field of prevention and eradication of transnational crime and capacity building, which was signed at the National Police Headquarters, South Jakarta, Monday (12/6/2021), offline and online.
“We were present at the signing meeting for the cooperation on prevention and eradication of transnational crimes and capacity building,” said National Police Chief Gen. Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo, starting his remarks.
This cooperation, said Sigit, stems from the development of the strategic environment (lingstra) which continues to change rapidly and uncertainly, so that it has an impact on security stability.
In fact, crime continues to grow and with the development of technology, a new dimension of crime appears which, according to the former Banten Police Chief, no longer recognizes borders between countries.
Therefore, Sigit assessed that the cooperation of the two countries in preventing and eradicating crime is very necessary.
“This cooperation aims to increase police capacity in both countries, particularly in fighting terrorism, drug trafficking, illegal smuggling, economic crimes and money laundering, cybercrime and others. transnational crime,” said the former police judiciary.
With the signing of this collaboration, Sigit hopes that the New Zealand police and police will be more optimal in tackling all forms of crime, because they can have an impact on improving the economy.
“Of course we all hope that the relationship between the Police and the New Zealand Police will be closer. Effective cooperation will improve the security stability of the two countries in order to support economic growth and better welfare. -being people – moderate,” said Sigit.
Security cooperation between the National Police and the New Zealand Police has been established since 2011. Among them are 8 bilateral or bilateral working groups, 24 capacity building programs in the form of benchmarking studies, postgraduate study scholarships and short courses.
Then, 19 activities for the exchange of criminal information and five for the cooperation of law enforcement agencies, such as regional military operations, expulsions and joint investigations.
Meanwhile, New Zealand Police Chief Andrew Coster practically expressed his appreciation to the National Police, which focuses on dealing with this transnational crime.
“I am very happy that this signing can be done. During the last ten years we have had a very good cooperation. With the MoU that we have updated, of course we can focus on working together on things and crimes that have often happened recently, “said Andrew. Money laundering (TPPU), violent extremism and smuggling or human trafficking.
“Even though the Covid-19 pandemic has hit Indonesia, we are still confident that we can continue to work directly with the National Police Chief. Once again, thank you for your cooperation,” concluded Andrew.