The Public Relations Division of the Polda Metro Jaya held a prayer demonstration competition at the PMJ Field of the Traffic Accuracy Directorate, Jakarta on Thursday (2/12/2021). The winners will be sent to compete at the central level, namely at the National Police Headquarters.
The National Police Chief Trophy is held all over Indonesia after each of the best winning Polda will be sent centrally to the National Police Headquarters to be competed at the central level,” said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E Zulpan, Thursday.
Elements of society to express opinions in public Not only carelessly shouting orations, said Zulpan through the competition, it is also hoped that there will be education in which there is ethics in expressing opinions in public.
The crowd demonstrated in front of the MPR/DPR building. The protest ended in chaos and a policeman was injured because he was mistreated by the masses: so that this activity is educational,” he said. , stressed that Troops are ‘ordered and ready to provide services to the public to express opinions.
“So today’s activity we present all representatives of Polrespolres at Polda Metro to these younger siblings, mostly students, maybe they always like demonstrations, that’s why we arrange them in the same place.