The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, has prepared a three-star position or Komjen to lead the Mobile Brigade Corps (Brimob). This was done because according to Sigit, the Brimob Police Corps currently has increasingly heavy and complex responsibilities and challenges.
The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, said the draft was awaiting a follow-up from the President’s Military Secretary (Sesmilpres). It is known that currently the position of Dankor Brimob is still filled by two-star or Inspector General (Irjen) and will later become three-star or Commissioner General (Komjen).
“The Presidential Draft has been submitted, waiting for a follow-up from the Sesmilpres,” said Dedi when contacted, Monday (15/11).
When asked whether there would be other units that would be raised or filled by three-star generals, Dedi said that he was still focused on Brimob.
“Still focus on Brimob first,” he said.
It is known, for units held or led by three-star generals namely, Deputy Chief of Police, Kabaresrkim, Kabaharkam, Kabaintelkam, Itwasum, Kalemdiklat, Head of BNN, Head of BNPT, Main Secretary of Lemhanas, Deputy Head of BSSN, Main Secretary of BIN and Secretary General of Kemenkumham.
Previously, the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo admitted that he was developing the Brimob Police Corps. Sigit stated that currently he is in the process of preparing to upgrade the status of the Dankor Brimob of the Police to a three-star general or Komjen. So far, this has been held by a two-star general or Inspector General.
According to Sigit, the development of the organization was carried out because the Brimob Police Corps today has increasingly heavy and complex responsibilities and challenges.
Not only that, in order to answer all challenges, the number of Brimob personnel will also be added in Central, Eastern, Western, and National Capital Regions.
“Currently it is in process of course. We will improve Korbrimob with this development, we will push for additional several stars and also the Mobile Brigade Dankor itself we will increase to become three stars. Because the duties and responsibilities are getting heavier,” he said at the 76th Anniversary of the Brimob Corps, Depok, West Java, Sunday (14/11).
Sigit asserted, all of this in order to provide a quick response to the dynamics that occur in the field. So that it can provide the best and fast service to people in need.
On the other hand, he also expressed his appreciation to all ranks of Brimob both at the central and regional levels who have given the best service to the Indonesian nation.