Jayapura – Hundreds of TNI-Polri personnel who are members of the 2021 Deraku Cartenz Ops provide security at the boxing venue of the Cenderawasih Gymnasium, Jayapura, Friday (8/10/2021).
The security was led by the Head of the OPS Division of the Jayapura City Police, AKP Langgeng Widodo.
He said that approximately 150 TNI-Polri personnel were involved in the security.
“Personnel is divided into rings two and three, where in ring two is also divided into those who are in charge of guarding the athletes or referees when there is a contingency in the ring and at that point there are 5 personnel for athletes and 5 personnel for referees,” said AKP Langgeng Widodo.
As an anticipatory measure, an escape vehicle is also prepared for athletes and referees if something unexpected happens and can harm many people.
“For our own personnel, we place them at various points, starting from the gate, preparing members at the main entrance, exit and there are also members in the parking lot to secure the public watching the match on video tron,” he explained.
In addition, in the GOR personnel are also divided into every corner of the audience seats.
This is to tighten security if something happens that can disrupt the course of the match.
“Until now, the situation around the venue is safe and smooth. The spectators who enter the GOR still apply the health protocols,” he continued.
In their duties, the personnel also reminded the audience to maintain the procedure, both the use of masks and maintaining a distance while watching.
“We take care that there are no crowds, this is for the sake of our health together,” he concluded.