– Malua Polsek personnel of the Enrekang Police, in Operation Yustisi regarding law enforcement Health protocols according to the regulation of the Regent of Enrekang No. 42 of 2020 Simultaneously carried out in the ranks of the Enrekang Police who are always intense in carrying out non-stop operations, especially in the jurisdiction of the Malua Police, Tuesday (12/07/2021)
On Jalan Poros, Malua Sub-district, Baraka Sub-district, offices and places for community activities, the Malua Polsek personnel at the Enrekang Police are directly led by the Malua Polsek, Enrekang Police, IPTU Daud Massangka, S.H.
The Head of Malua Polsek, Enrekang Police, IPTU Daud Massangka, SH, revealed that the activity was an effort by the Malua Police, TNI and Satpol PP personnel of Malua Sub-district to the maximum in supporting the government’s program to discipline citizens in Obeying Health Protocols in life. Adapting to new habits by getting used to wearing masks. to avoid the transmission of the Corona Virus or covid 19, said IPTU Daud Massangka, SH
The implementation of the judicial operation by this apparatus is expected to be understood and understood by the community to get used to obeying and disciplining community members to always apply health protocols both at home, outside the home and wherever they are.