The Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim) will assist in investigating cases of leaking data on 279 million Indonesians. Currently, the case is still being investigated by Kominfo, Population and BPJS. – The Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim) will investigate the leaking of data on 279 million Indonesians in theforum hacker Raid Forums. This was conveyed by the Head of Criminal Investigation of the National Police, Commissioner General Agus Andrianto.
“Since the issue rolled around I have ordered the Dirtipidsiber (Brigadier General Slamet Uliandi) to investigate this matter,” said Agus, quoted by, Friday (21/5).
Agus explained that his party was preparing an investigative administration to help investigate the case. The police will also coordinate with a number of related agencies so that the handling of this problem can be resolved immediately.
However, Agus has not been able to provide further information regarding the plan to investigate the case. “Mindik (investigation administration) is being prepared for the legality of implementing members in the field. Currently, Kominfo, Population and BPJS are investigating the leakage, “he concluded.
As is known, 279 million data on the allegedly leaking Indonesian population was uploaded by an account called Kotz. In his description, the population data consists of full name, KTP, telephone number, email, NID and address.
The account has even provided 1 million data as samples to be tested for free. Sadly, the data also contains about 20 million personal photos of Indonesians.
The data seller also claimed to have obtained the secret document from the website of the Health Social Security Administration (BPJS). They even ensure that the data can be justified for its accuracy.
The Ministry of Communication and Information itself has investigated the alleged data leak. From the total number, Kominfo found 100,002 Indonesian population data which is strongly suspected to come from BPJS Kesehatan. Because it includes BPJS participant card numbers, BPJS office codes, family data, health insurance coverage, to guarantee payment status.