Regional Police TightenKorlatan the South Sumatra Police- Head of South Sumatra Police, Inspector General Prof. Dr. Eko Indra Heri and entourage accompanied by Chief of Police Ogan Ilir AKBP Yusantiyo Sandhy, concentrated on monitoring the homecoming and return flow at the Keramasan Toll Road Blocking Post.
Kapolda Eko Indra Heri, to the media crew, said that the South Sumatra Regional Police were concerned about monitoring the homecoming and return flow at the blocking posts, including monitoring at the Keramasan toll gate blocking post.
“The activity at the blocking post is in addition to monitoring the steering and reverse flow, as well as conducting rapid antigen tests for motorists passing through the post. This activity is carried out by the ranks of Polda, Polres and Ogan Ilir Health Officers,” he said.
Then the Police Chief said, the purpose of carrying out this activity was to suppress the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic within the South Sumatra Regional Police jurisdiction, for travelers or returning to the South Sumatra region.
In this monitoring, the Two-Star General also distributed masks, put a sticker on a passing vehicle as a sign that already examined by the postal clerk insulation, and urged the driver and passengers to remain in compliance with prokes Covid 19.
“Our appreciation to the postal clerk insulation , consisting of the ranks of the National Police, TNI, Dishub, Satpol PP and Dinkes, as well as encouraging them to carry out their duties well, “said the South Sumatra Police Chief.