Bogor – Satbrimob Polda West Java backing up Bogor Police will block the homecoming flow on the Gadog Pospol Peak route, this is following a ban on going home for Lebaran 2021. Police chief AKBP Harun SIK SH said, “There are about two thousand joint personnel who will carry out security for the Eid 2021 homecoming.” Later, from the thousands of personnel will guard the insulating points for the Lebaran 2021 homecoming, “he continued.
In Security Operation Ketupat Lodaya 2021 1 SSK Battalion B Pioneer led by Danton GAS Aiptu M. Rohman Yayat Accompanied by Danki 4 IPTU Dani Irmawansyah, in blocking in the top lane of the Gadog Police Pospol Brimob will supervise personnel who are checking travelers at border points local time for the prohibition of going home.
This was done by referring to Circular Number 13 of 2021 concerning the Elimination of the Idul Fitri 1412 Hijriah Homecoming Day and Efforts to Control COVID-19 during Ramadan.
“Now we are doing insulation. Overseeing the situation around the Gadog Pospol Peak Route in order to smooth the course of the investigation, “said Danki 4 IPTU Dani Irmawansyah.
West Java Police Mobile Brigade Dansat Kombes Pol. Yuri Karsono, SI K ,. said “Security OKL 2021 is carried out seriously, West Java Brimob back up personnel who are carrying out inspection duties, so that activities run smoothly and safely”.
Kombes Pol. Yuri Karsono, SIK, added that “this 2021 OKL activity is a form of West Java Police Mobile Brigade Service for the community in presenting the State in the midst of society”.
“This is a form of the West Java Regional Police Mobile Brigade Service in this case in the West Java region, to create a sense of security and comfort and emotional closeness between Brimob and the community in maintaining security and security and breaking the chain of the Covid-19 Virus,” he said. Yuri Karsono.