Member of Commission IV DPR RI Andi Akmal Pasluddin questioned the steps taken by the Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) Siti Nurbaya in taking action against mining entrepreneurs who damage the environment in the National Capital Region (IKN) of the Archipelago. He said this was based on findings in the field related to the findings of ex-mining holes.
“We went there to see many mining companies leaving very deep mining pits in the area of the candidate for the nation’s capital city,” Andi said during a working meeting of Commission IV DPR RI with the Minister of Environment and Forestry, at Nusantara Building, Senayan, Jakarta on Thursday (February 17, 2022).
Akmal warned that the APBN should not be disbursed to cover the former mining pit. In fact, according to him, the mining pit appeared due to business activities by the private sector. “Well, how is this? Don’t let our state budget be used to fix it, Mr. Chairman. While destroying them. This is evil, they have taken our country’s wealth, we are still repairing it,” he said.
According to this Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) politician, the permit for Borrow-to-Use Forest Areas (IPPKH) has regulated the obligation of mining companies to repair areas left by their business activities. He then questioned the firmness of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya in taking action against the recalcitrant company.
“Even though the IPPKH permit is clear that they have to repair the abandoned area. So, how is this action taken, Minister? I think this is a lot of noise, yes, in the media, many big companies are also having problems there. Please follow up on this later,” said Akmal.