Semparuk Police, In preventing the spread of covid-19, Bhabinkamtibmas Sepinggan Village urges the public to always wear masks and apply health protocols to prevent the spread of covid-19. Sunday (12/9/2021).
During a visit in his fostered village, the Bhabinkamtibmas of Sepinggan Village handed over social assistance in the form of basic food packages from the Sambas Peduli Police to underprivileged communities or communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The social assistance provided is expected to help ease the burden on the poor.
In addition, the Bhabinkamtibmas of Sepinggan Village appealed to the community to always obey the government’s appeal and implement health protocols. Let’s apply the 5 M, namely maintaining distance (1-2 meters), wearing masks, washing hands with soap, avoiding crowds in crowded places and reducing mobility. Let’s improve discipline. “United, we break the chain of the spread of COVID-19,” said Bripka Suhada.