Jakarta – The National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo awarded the Bhayangkara Pratama Star of Honor which was signed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo to 61 high-ranking police officers, 8 military officers and 5 police civil servants, South Jakarta, Thursday (30/12).
In his speech, the National Police Chief expressed his gratitude to Pati TNI and ASN who continue to provide extraordinary support and contribution to the development of Polri’s transformation work in the fields of organization, operation, and public services.
The National Police Chief said: “Of course, we will continue to maintain our duties related to organizational change, business and public services.”
The National Police Chief ensured that currently and in the future he will continue to improve the existing Polri bureaucracy and through continuous improvement of public services, more in line with community expectations.
This commitment is as expected by Indonesian President Jokowi who wants an improvement in the internal bureaucracy of the Bhayangkara Corps.
Therefore, Sigit emphasized that the National Police continue to make improvements and evaluations of the field of organization and service in order to become an institution that is expected and loved by the community. This has been stated as the ideals and spirit of the concept of the Precise Police (Predictive, Responsiveness and Transparency with Justice).
“This is part of our efforts to realize the transformation of the National Police in order to become a Precise Police,” said the former Police Chief of Criminal Investigation Unit.
More deeply, Sigit provides space for all parties to provide input, criticism, and suggestions to the Polri institution. The reason is that all forms of attention will be used as a form of internal correction and evaluation in order to further strengthen the transformation of the field of public services and organizational transformation.
Sigit understands, towards change for the better, of course, will go through all forms of dynamics and existing processes. And, must be able to adapt to the situation and developments that occur today. However, he is optimistic that this can be realized with the support of all parties and the community.
“Of course, related to the transformation in the field of public services and the transformation of the organizational field, we certainly ask for continuous corrections, given improvements. So that day by day we can really create a modern Polri organization, a serving Polri organization and a Polri organization that can truly apply the principles of Good Governance.” said Sigit.
To Pati Polri who was awarded the Bhayangkara Pratama Star, Sigit reminded that the title was obtained through a process that was not easy. By passing the screening, internal examination, and the existing track record, said Sigit, this mark of honor must be maintained properly.
An honorary title, said Sigit, in addition to bringing pride, it also has all kinds of consequences. Sigit stated that as a leader in the work unit (Satker), he must be able to carry out the transformation of what has been achieved to his members.
“Because we want our organization to get better day by day. Many things need to be fixed. There are many deviations that must be corrected, and it is the task of colleagues to transform this in their respective Satkers to be role models, change and bring about improvements in their respective Satkers,” said Sigit.
Sigit emphasized that Pati Polri who received an honorary title should be an example and role model. That way, it will bring improvements to the Police institution in the future.
As a leader, Sigit requested that Polri personnel do not hesitate to take firm action against members who deviate, do not serve according to existing regulations, and take actions that can damage the dignity and authority of the Police.
“Give an example and an example. Give rewards for outstanding members. So that the police institution will be better, more trusted and loved by the community, “said Sigit.
At the end of his mandate, Sigit emphasized the matter of continuing to maintain and improve the synergy between the TNI and Polri. According to him, this is the key to face all forms of challenges and threats that will be faced by Indonesia.
This, said Sigit, was proven in the synergy in handling and controlling the Covid-19 pandemic. Which, currently continues to improve and the rate of growth can be controlled. That way, said Sigit, the community’s economic growth will continue to increase.
“Obviously we have to keep this up. Therefore, it is synergy and solidity to continue to maintain the existing Covid-19 condition, so that at the beginning of the year we can still maintain it. And of course, in a position like this, we hope that economic growth can really return to normal, we can encourage it. And our hope can be better than the previous growth. Likewise regarding the stability of Kamtibmas which we must maintain as capital so that the economy runs well,” concluded Sigit