The National Police Retired Association (PP) book entitled Bhayangkara Sejati Serves Without Stop was launched.
Present at the book handover ceremony by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, at the Tri Brata Building, Jakarta, Thursday, December 9, 2021.
The National Police Chief Sigit expressed his gratitude for the support of retired Indonesian National Police who have supported the National Police’s efforts to achieve good progress.
“We, brothers and sisters, are ready to continue the leadership relay as the National Police Chief, so that we can get something in the midst of a difficult situation, but we are trying to exist and provide the best service to the community,” said Sigit in his speech.
Sigit also emphasized that the PP Polri’s commitment to supporting Polri in maintaining its image and in carrying out its duties, functions and contributions in building a better Indonesia is beyond doubt.
“PP Polri still exists, participates and helps support national development programs, contributes and plays an active role in Indonesia’s development,” he said.
This shows that the PP Polri is always present and active in the development of the nation and state.
As part of the launch of the book, the former Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police said that many things can be obtained from the contents of the book.
One of them aspires to the Police in the future to become a better organization and is expected by the community. “The national police are traveling in the present and into the future,” he said. Police
Where can be used as an example in terms of thoughts and thoughts for all members of the Police
The former Banten Police Chief also compared the PP Polri with Polri as one family such as parents, children and siblings.