The Public Relations Section of the National Police will hold a speech contest for the 2021 National Police Chief Cup rally which will be held on December 10. This event is also part of the momentum to commemorate World Human Rights Day (HAM).
Dedi Prasetyo, Director of the Public Relations Division of the National Police and Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo said that the purpose of this speech competition was to provide space and a forum for the public to express their wishes and expressions.
“Providing a forum or space for the public to express their wishes and ways of expression, as well as educating the public on how to express their wishes in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations,” said Dedi in a written statement to reporters in Jakarta on Wednesday (24/11).
The theme of the event was “Human Rights Day”. Meanwhile, the sub-theme of this event is free. Or in other words, participants are free to give speeches in the form of constructive criticism or comments.
Dedi added that this activity is a commitment of the National Police who really respects the wishes of the community, which is one of the human rights. This is in line with Article 28 of the 1945 Constitution and Law Number 9 of 1998 concerning the freedom to express opinions to the public.
“Polri always respects and respects human rights in the form of defending democracy and protecting citizens who express their opinions in public,” said the former Head of Central Kalimantan Police.
This technical speech competition will later go through a selection process at the Polda level, then be screened to enter the Police Headquarters level. All levels of society can also participate in this activity. Start with elements such as students, workers, and farmers.
This competition consists of 1 team that can accommodate 5-15 people. The registration period for the competition itself is from November 25, 2021 to November 30, 2021.
After going through the screening process at the Polda level, Dedi added, this activity is a commitment by the Police who really respects the wishes of the community, which is one of human rights.
This is in line with Article 28 of the 1945 Constitution and Law Number 9 of 1998 concerning the freedom to express opinions to the public.
“Polri always respects and respects human rights in the form of defending democracy and protecting citizens who express their opinions in public,” said the former Head of Central Kalimantan Police.
This technical speech competition will later go through a selection process at the Polda level, and will then be screened to enter the Police Headquarters level. All levels of society can also participate in this activity. Start with elements such as students, workers, and farmers.
This competition consists of 1 team that can accommodate 5-15 people.
The registration period for the competition is from November 25, 2021 to November 30, 2021. After passing the Polda level screening process.