KENDARI – The Kendari Police have finally succeeded in uncovering and arresting 8 suspects in the sexual abuse case against two underage girls, which occurred from September to October 2021, to be exact on Jalan Usaha Tani Gunung Merah, Boro-boro Village, Ranomeeto District, South Konawe Regency (Konsel). ).
In this case it was revealed that the perpetrators numbered 12 people. Now, 8 of the perpetrators have been arrested and one is still a minor, while the other 4 are still being chased.
Deputy Chief of the Kendari Resort Police (Wakapolres), Kompol Alwi, S.Ag said that the beginning of the case began when the perpetrator, initials A (19) met the victims initials H (14) and PR (14) through social media (Sosmed) and invited victim to meet.
“After getting acquainted, A took his friends to one of the mountains in Ranomeeto, then they carried out their lecherous actions and took turns molesting H and PR,” said Alwi during a press conference on the disclosure of the case, Monday (8/11/21).
He continued, when the victim’s parents found out and objected, they immediately reported the perpetrators to the Kendari Police.
“As a result of the incident, one of the victims was bleeding and had to get medical treatment, and both victims were psychologically traumatized,” he said
For their actions, the perpetrators have violated Article 81 paragraph (2) Jo Article 76E of Law No. RI. 35 of 2014 Jo. Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 17 of 2016 concerning the second amendment to Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 23 of 2002 concerning child protection.