Jakarta – National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo is uncomfortable with the humor that there are only three honest police officers in Indonesia, namely the statue of a policeman, a speed policeman, and General Hoegeng. He is trying to change the stigma of society towards the Polri institution.
“I am optimistic that I can make this happen, because currently there are still many Polri personnel who have exemplary attitudes and actually carry out their duties as protectors of the people,” Listyo said on his personal Instagram account quoted by Medcom.id, Friday, November 5, 2021.
Listyo admitted that changing the image of the National Police was a challenge in itself. The humor that there are only three honest police officers in Indonesia is considered to legitimize it is difficult to find honest and integrity police officers in the country.” (In fact), the National Police itself has the figure of General Hoegeng who is famous for his honesty and integrity in carrying out his duties,” said the four-star general.
Listyo detailed several portraits of Polri personnel who are worthy of being role models. The member is considered to have honesty and integrity and is able to provide community service beyond the call of duty.
First, Aipda Muji in Balikpapan. The police officer is said to have found a bag containing Rp48 million in cash and returned it to its owner without any strings attached.
Second, Aiptu Jailani in Gresik. According to Listyo, Jailani is known to be firm and anti-bribery towards traffic violators.
Third, Brigadier Suladi in Malang prefers to be a garbage collector to earn extra income rather than accepting bribes. Fourth, Bripka Ali Nur Suwandi in Yogyakarta established a halfway house, mosque and a free Tahfiz Al-Quran Islamic boarding school for orphans and underprivileged children.
“As well as actively fostering scavengers and families of convicts (terrorist convicts) in Yogyakarta,” said the former Police Criminal Investigation Officer.
Fifth, Brigadier Piether Paembonan in Mamuju sent 178 out of school children to school. Sixth, Aiptu I Nyoman Ardana in Bali collects used books and makes a Mobile Reading program.
Seventh, Bripka Chandra at Musi Bayuasin helps teach at SDN Kepayang. Eighth, Iptu Khusnul Khotimah in Jakarta who volunteered to help with the burial of the Covid-19 corpse.
“Out there, I’m sure there are still many figures of honest and integrity Polri members who are able to inspire other personnel. The National Police will continue to improve to become the Police that are expected and loved by the community, “said Listyo.
Listyo also mentioned the cleaning service officers at Soekarno-Hatta (Soetta) Airport, Tangerang, Banten, Halimah, who were widely discussed on social media. Halimah was commended after returning a wallet containing a Rp35.9 billion check that was found at work.
“This time, from a cleaning service officer at Soetta Airport named Halimah, we are reminded of the value of honesty and integrity in carrying out a job,” said Listyo.