Lampung Regional Police psychological assistance event for youngsters, dozens of orphans and orphans who had been passed away because Covid-19 were entertained by magic games.
The event ‘Psychosocial Support for Children Affected by Covid-19 in 2021’ was held simultaneously throughout Indonesia, with the theme ‘Caring for Children, Resilient Indonesia,’ and was attended by 2,333 orphans and children with disabilities.
The ceremony was started by Kapolda Inspector General Pol. Hendro Sugiatno, with the Deputy Chief of Police, Brigadier General Pol. Subiyanto, and the principal police official in attendance, on Tuesday (2/11/2021) in Lampung.
There were no glum expressions on the children’s faces as they were treated to a magic show by Sadad Magic Bandarlampung and clowns dressed as police uniform replicas.
In addition to magic games, children receive psychological support from the Lampung Regional Police’s General Criminal Investigation Directorate by watching films such as Covid-19, Cartoon Avenger, and Police Movie in a resmob car that has been converted into a cinema car.
This is so that the youngsters are still passionate about living and pursuing their future lives to achieve their goals, according to Lampung Police Chief Inspector General Pol. Hendro Sugiatno in his address.
On that day, Lampung Police Head of Public Relations, Kombes Pol. Zahwani Pandra Arsyad, stated that the purpose of the event was to entertain children affected by Covid-19.
In addition to the social aid program and mass immunization, the National Police also offered emotional counseling for orphans and orphans whose parents had abandoned them, according to the Head of Public Relations.
“They are the children of the nation,” the Head of Public Relations explained, “and we must take care of them so that they are not mentally harmed.”
The children came from 15 regencies/cities, according to the Head of Public Relations, and were coordinated by the relevant regional police/polres.
The Head of Public Relations hopes that with this psychosocial support, orphans and orphans due to Covid-19 will be able to look forward to achieving their goals with joy and zeal.