Jayabaya University Student President Muhammad Rafli supports National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo’s move to eradicate illegal online loan companies (pinjol).
Rafli said that support was not only expressed by his party, but also by the Young Nusantara Fighters Movement (GPMN), the Strategic Study of Democracy (KSD).
The banner reads “Support the policy of the National Police Chief Drs Listyo Sigit Prabowo, M.Si to eradicate online loans (Pinjol) that harm the community”. And support predictive, responsive, transparent and fair (precise) law enforcement’
“We urge the public to immediately report to the nearest police if they find an illegal Pinjol incident. The police as law enforcers are ready to protect and protect the public from Pinjol’s criminal acts,” said Rafli.
For information, the banners were installed by students of the Chancellor of Jayabaya University (Presma), Muhammad Rafli, Executive Director of the Strategic Studies of Democracy (KSD), Ibrahim Mansyur/Bram and in collaboration with the Secretary General of the Indonesian Fighters Youth Movement.