Palangka Raya – The Palangka Raya City Police, Central Kalimantan Police continue to be determined to devote themselves to providing Covid-19 Vaccination services to the community in their area.
This devotion is realized through the Precision Vaccine Outlet which was held at the Palangka Raya Police Clinic, Jalan Tjilik Riwut Km 3.5, Palangka Raya City, Central Kalimantan, Friday (22/10/2021) morning.
The Precision Vaccine Outlet was also manned by vaccinators and personnel from Sidokkes, totaling 10 people and led by Paurmin Sidokkes, Aipda Hafizh Azharuddin, Amd.Kep.
Aipda Hafizh also explained that the outlet was manned by him and his colleagues along with health volunteers, which took place at 08.00 WIB by providing Covid-19 Vaccination services to the general public.
“A total of 20 participants are registered and will receive the Covid-19 vaccination, namely dose one 11 people and dose two 9 people, using the Covid-19 vaccine as many as 10 multidose vials,” explained Hafizh.
The Precision Vaccine Outlet itself is an idea that came from the National Police Chief, Police General Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, M.Sc., to help accelerate the achievement of the current Covid-19 vaccination target.
“This vaccine booth was held with the title of Invasion of the Vaccinator Battalion of the Central Kalimantan Police to go to the Central Kalimantan Province and Palangka Raya City to become a Green Zone and be free from the Covid-19 Pandemic,” said Hafizh.
In order to maintain order and continuity, the vaccine outlet also implements the Pcare system to support the registration process for vaccine recipients, screening health status, and recording and reporting the results of Covid-19 vaccination services.
“Besides that, several mechanisms have also been implemented, starting from registration, checking participants, health checks, vaccinations and observations for approximately 15 to 30 minutes,” said Hafizh.
He continued, the prokes must also be implemented by the participants and the vaccination officers themselves, starting from wearing masks, maintaining distance, washing hands, staying away from crowds, limiting mobility and interaction (5M).
“We will continue to fight to help accelerate the achievement of Covid-19 vaccination in Palangka Raya City at this time, one of which is by holding this Precision Vaccine Outlet, hopefully it can continue to be carried out smoothly,” he concluded.