The Indonesian National Police (Polri) invites all levels of society to not hesitate and to take an active role in supervising the performance of police institutions in the field.
“We invite all people to participate in monitoring the performance of the police so that in the future the Police will be more professional, transparent and accountable in providing services,” said the Head of the National Police’s Propam Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambo after visiting Komnas HAM in Jakarta, Tuesday 19 October 2021.
Specifically for the National Police and Komnas HAM Propam, evaluations will continue to be made regarding the ongoing internal control because the National Police has a vision to increase the capacity and capability of supervision so that public trust can be increased.
To realize this vision, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has launched several priority programs in the form of innovation strategies that can be accessed by the entire community.
This means that every community can complain about the behavior or unprofessionalism of investigators as well as some violations found through the Dumas Presisi and Propam Presisi applications.
Ferdy Sambo explained that every public complaint received already has a mechanism. If it is a managerial matter, the Police’s General Supervision Inspectorate (Itwasum) will immediately handle it.
Then if it is related to the behavior and code of ethics of members, the Propam Police Division will take over for further handling.
“Finally, if it concerns the investigation process, it will be handled at the Wassidik Bureau at the National Police’s Criminal Investigation Unit,” he said.
Therefore, to create a precise Police, Ferdy Sambo hopes that the public will be willing and involved in helping the bhayangkara institution in carrying out its duties.