The Riau Police’s Drug Research Directorate’s Sub-Directorate I, directed by AKBP Hardian Pratama S.I.K., has once again discovered substantial amounts of methamphetamine. Officers in Pekanbaru seized a total of 81 kilograms of methamphetamine as well as two suspects.
“A guy with the letters AS (52) and a lady with the initials HS are the two perpetrators (47). They had 81 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine when they were apprehended “Pol. Agung Setya Imam Effendi, S.H., S.I.K., M.Sc., Riau Police Chief Inspector General, accompanied by the Head of Public Relations, Kombes Sunarto, and the Director of Drugs, Kombes Victor Siagian, on Sunday (17/10/21).
Pol. Agung Setya Imam Effendi, S.H., S.I.K., M.Sc., Riau Police Chief, Riau Police Chief, Inspector General, Riau Police Chief, Inspector General, Riau Police Chief, Inspector General, Riau Police Chief, Inspector General, Riau Police Chief, Inspector General, Riau Police Chief, Inspector General, Riau Police Chief, Inspector General, Riau Police Chief, Inspector General, Riau Police Chief, Inspector General, Riau Police
The Two Star General reiterated that his party will never cease hunting down drug traffickers who attempt to carry out their criminal activities in the Riau region. He urged all parties to collaborate in the fight against narcotics.
“This is an international network that includes commodities from Malaysia and is run by Agam, a Malaysian Acehnese person. Abu, an inmate at Tangkerang Prison, is in charge of the AS, HS, and Agam networks “the Regional Police Chief stated.
These drugs, he claims, will eventually be circulated throughout Pekanbaru City, Jambi, South Sumatra (Palembang), and Jakarta.
Meanwhile, the Riau Police’s Head of Public Relations stated that the information collected by Sub-Directorate I of the Drugs Directorate on Friday (1/10/21) regarding the presence of a worldwide narcotics network was the starting point for the revelation.
“Aceh-Riau was the goal of the network, which came from outside the country. The drugs, however, were discovered in Pekanbaru City “He went on to explain.
In addition, the Head of Sub-Directorate I of the Riau Police’s Narcotics Directorate, along with the team, launched an inquiry right away. The police ultimately captured a man with the initials AS, whom they suspected of being a narcotics dealer, after a long period of stalking.
“After the US was secured, investigators discovered a voice message on his cellphone in the Aceh language relating to narcotics trafficking,” the Director of Drugs revealed.
The team then searched a rented house in Pekanbaru City’s Tampan District on Tuesday, December 10th. The cops discovered 32 packs of methamphetamine in the chief’s cigarette box in the rented property.
He appealed, saying, “The US confirms that the narcotics belong to someone named Agam (a resident of Aceh) who is in Malaysia.”
The authorities initiated an inquiry after the arrest in the United States.
The police then apprehended another another culprit, this time a woman with the initials HS.
“Because HS’ mobile was turned off, the squad had trouble finding him. But, in the end, the search efforts were fruitful. HS was apprehended at a hotel near the Simpang Tiga International Airport “Riau’s police chief stated.
Following that, the police interrogated HS. The crew discovered a home key, which was eventually identified as the key to the residence where methamphetamine was stored. The police examined a leased residence on Jalan Pasir Mas in Bina Widya Pekanbaru right away and discovered methamphetamine proof.
“The criminals were charged under Article 114 paragraph (2) and Article 112 paragraph (2) of RI Law No 35 of 2009 against Narcotics, with the threat of death or imprisonment for a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 20 years,” he said.