On Monday (11/10), Papuan Police Chief Inspector General Pol. Mathius Fakhiri oversaw the final match of a variety of XX PON sports in Jayapura.
The Holtekam rowing arena, which competed in the final of the 200-meter traditional boat race for men and women, and GOR Cenderawasih, which conducted a boxing event, are the two sports venues that the Papua Police Chief supervises.
According to Papuan Police Chief Inspector General Pol Fakhiri, the audience appeared to follow health rules based on his observations.
Members of the TNI-Polri tasked with security continue to work to educate the public about the necessity of COVID-19 health protocols.
“Alhamdulillah, the public is eager to learn. We’ve also set up videotrons in a few spots so that people can watch without having to enter the building, which is still limited “Fakhiri stated.
Meanwhile, because it is more comfortable, a number of Jayapura residents appear to prefer watching boxing on a videotron located outside the building.
“Incidentally, the committee prepared a videotron, so we choose to watch outside the building since it is more calm,” said a Jayapura Dok V resident named Viktor.