South Sulawesi Police Chief Inspector General Merdisyam monitors the implementation of mass vaccination at the Makkatang Karaeng Sibali Field Tribune, Kalabbirang Village, Pattallassang District, Takalar Regency, Saturday (11/9/2021).
The South Sulawesi Police Chief was accompanied by the Takalar Police Chief AKBP Beny Murjayanto, the Takalar Regent Syamsari Kitta, and the Acting Takalar Regional Secretary Muhammad Hasbi.
In addition, the South Sulawesi Police Chief also distributed food packages to residents affected by Covid-19.
The South Sulawesi Regional Police Chief, Inspector General of Police Merdisyam said that the implementation of the mass vaccination was initiated by alumni of the 1999 Police Academy (Akpol) to encourage the acceleration of vaccination in South Sulawesi, especially in Takalar Regency.
“We all know that our vaccination target is currently still below 30 percent when viewed from the overall target target, but from the number of vaccines available, our vaccine supply is already large,” said Inspector General Pol. Merdisham.
“Now, we will pursue targets, especially school children for face-to-face preparation,” added the South Sulawesi Police Chief.
General Bintang Dua said, Takalar has now entered level 2, meaning that it has decreased but what needs to be watched out is not to feel that the level has dropped, people finally feel free from exposure to Covid-19.
“If there is a lack of public awareness, it is very likely that the level will rise again, so what is important is that the level of public awareness is maintained, especially vaccination, wearing masks, maintaining distance, and avoiding mobility,” said the South Sulawesi Police Chief.
In addition, continued Merdisyam, the target for vaccination in all regions by the end of this year is to reach 80 percent for the formation of community herd emmunity.
“The government’s target by the end of this year is to reach 80 percent in all regions in South Sulawesi, of course, this is expected to be the cooperation of all parties, especially the regional government,” he said.
Inspector General of Police. Merdisyam also praised the performance of the local government (Pemda) of Takalar in helping the central government to accelerate the Covid-19 vaccination. “I saw the Regent picking up the ball, because if we rely on the people who come for the vaccination, it’s a bit difficult,” said General Bintang Dua.
Inspector General of Police. Merdisyam hopes that all children aged 12-18 years are required to be vaccinated before the face-to-face learning process begins.
“The main requirement for face-to-face learning is that students must be vaccinated. So those who have not been vaccinated immediately register to get the vaccine immediately,” concluded the Inspector General of Police. Merdisham.