JAYAPURA – Ahead of the implementation of the XX Papua National Sports Week (PON), the National Police will carry out security. The number of troops who will be involved in securing this PON is 1,600 Brimob Corps personnel, and there is also Detachment 88 Anti-terror.
The deployment of Densus 88 is a form of anticipation of the threat of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) during the implementation of PON, 2-15 October 2021.
Asops Kapolri Inspector General Pol Imam Sugianto said his party would send additional security forces from outside the region to Papua. Additional troops will be made next week.
“The troops will be added when the Pam PON operation is held on September 18. All elements of the police will be involved,” said Imam in his written statement, Friday (10/9/21).
The troops, said Imam, will be deployed in four areas where the PON will be held. The four regions are Jayapura City, Jayapura Regency, Merauke Regency, and Mimika Regency.
As is known, the Papuan Police stated that the KKB and demonstrations carried out by the West Papua National Committee (KNBP) were anticipated to be the main threats during the implementation of the PON later.
“The main threat in Papua Province is interference from the KKB and KKP groups. It is also necessary to anticipate demonstrations being ridden by KNPB to try to thwart or create riots during the implementation of the XX Papua PON,” said Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Pol. Ahmad Musthofa Kamal in a written statement, Saturday (4/9/21).