Sukoharjo – The Mojolaban Sector Police handed over support in the form of basic food packages to Al Ikhlas Islamic Boarding School in Goresan Hamlet, Demakan Village, Mojolaban District, Sukoharjo Regency, Monday (7/9/2021).
The Mojolaban Police Chief, Iptu Tarjo, said that his party had deliberately visited to gather with the Ponpes management. Moreover, he is a new official in the Sukoharjo Police, especially at the Mojolaban Police.
“This activity is a form of our relationship with the community in Mojolaban, especially at the Al Ikhlas Islamic Boarding School,” realized Iptu Tarjo.
On that occasion, the police chief also wanted cooperation and communication with Islamic boarding schools to be established. Especially in protecting the security and public order (Kamtibmas) in Mojolaban.
Regarding the assistance, the Sector Police Chief stated that 10 bags of 25 kilograms of rice were available, instant noodles, chicken eggs and masks.
“The Islamic boarding school welcomes our presence and hopes that communication will continue to be established,” he said.