SIAPGRAK.COM, JAKARTA – The Director of Directorate of Traffic of the National Police or a.k.a Korlantas, Brigadier General (Pol) Yusuf said, prior to being officially launched by the National Police Chief General (Pol) Listyo Sigit Prabowo, the Korlantas Polri was ready to conduct trials and disseminate the introduction of the National Digital Samsat (Signal) to the public.
Yusuf explained that the aim is not only to support the implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) but also to identify problems and then fix them.
“This is because the input from the community is very important for us,” Yusuf said when confirmed by reporters, Thursday (15/7/2021).
According to Yusuf, the Signal application was built as a replacement for the national online Samsat application (Samolnas), which is currently deactivated.
The Signal app has just finished developing.
Currently, the process of ratifying the STNK (annual) and paying motor vehicle taxes and SWDKLLJ, specifically for private ownership and not on behalf of a legal entity, can be done very easily anywhere and anytime.
“One Stop Service” without having to attend the Samsat office or other Samsat service units (Samling, outlets, drive thrus, etc.),” said Yusuf.
Yusuf said that this could be realized because Signal had guided the rules of monitoring identification and registration through AI technology.
“By utilizing artificial intelligence facial recognition (face recognition) users or application users that are connected to the Dukcapil database which will be compared with the ERI regident ranmor database or the national electronic registration and identification of the National Police Korlantas,” he said.
“Through this technology, the identity of the vehicle owner, both name and NIK, can be accounted for,” he continued.
Meanwhile, according to the Head of Sub-Directorate for STNK Ditregident Korlantas Polri, Kombes M. Taslim Chairuddin, the Signal system is currently also connected to 15 (fifteen) Provincial Bapenda Tax Databases so that users can immediately find out the Tax SKKP (Payment Obligation Letter) that must be paid to state or government.
Provinces that have been connected to Signal include DKI Jakarta, Banten, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Bali, West Sumatra, Riau, Riau Islands, Jambi, Bengkulu, South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, West Sulawesi and NTB.
He emphasized, to make it easier for the public to transact cashless/non-cash, the PKB and SWDKLLJ payment methods through the Signal application to all existing Regional Banks are connected through a payment gateway/switching system with several payment channels at all Himbara Banks (State-Owned Banks Association/SOEs) among others, Mandiri Bank, BRI Bank, BNI Bank, BTN Bank, and 10 other Regional Development Banks.
Not only that, he stressed, Signal has also implemented One Stop Digital Service (full online service), people who have carried out their obligations to register for ratification and payment of PKB, SWDKLLJ, no longer need to come back to Samsat or other Samsat service units.
“To get proof of payment of payment obligations (TBPKP) please use the intermediate service through PT. Pos Indonesia which has been provided in the application, while proof of STNK validation or e-ratification, has been provided digitally which has been certified with the BSRE BSSN,” he said.
This is because the system in the Signal application will automatically issue valid and legal digital documents in the form of e-TBPKP (proof of payment of taxes from Bapenda), e-KD (insurance policy from Jasa Raharja) and e-Enforcement (digital sign of STNK validation from the National Police).
Furthermore, the e-Authentication of the annual STNK in the form of an Encrypted QR Code that can be displayed or seen on the application has legal legality because it has been affixed with a digital signature/electronic signature of the local Polda Traffic Director official and can be checked for validity by the public or officers in the field simply by scanned using a smartphone and authentication will appear from the Regident ERI Database.
“Currently the Signal application can be used for operations in the context of testing to the community with the intention and hope that it can be further refined if there are deficiencies. This is considering the current Signal system connects sub-systems owned by various parties or other stakeholders, ” he said.
Kombes M. Taslim reminded that Signal can already be downloaded via Google Play Store on the android platform (iOS/apple platforms are in development stage) with the keyword “National Digital Samsat”.
Then follow the application usage guidelines.
“Hopefully this program can help and be useful, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic era and the Emergency PPKM that is being implemented by the government,” he said.