Bandung City – Viralbanyumas. To prevent new Cluster Virus Diseases Covid 19 Lebaran 2021 when the long weekend in North Lombok (KLU), North Lombok Police (Police Lotara) joint tonnes and the Government KLU Attraction intensifying security number over the long holiday feast of Fitr 1442 H.Idhul
accordancewith a Circular (SE) of the Regent of North Lombok Number 188.64 / BUP / 2021 Regarding the closure of tourist attractions on the Idhul Fitri 1442 H holiday during the Covid pandemic 19
Head of North Lombok Police Resort Polda NTB AKBP Feri Jaya Satriansyah SH through the Head of Ops Lotara Police, Kompol I Ketut Mas Mertayasa SH said that his party had also placed personnel from the Police, TNI and the KLU Civil Service Unit at a number of tourist attraction points in KLU, starting from the Klui Border, Winner District, to Bayan District.
“All Tourist Locations are closed according to the Circular of the North Lombok Regent. If we find people who are still heading to tourist locations during Eid, we humanely urge them to come back. This is all to prevent people from being exposed to Covid 19 because of crowding. “He concluded.