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Accelerating Vaccinations at All Across Indonesia, National Police Chief Calls it an Effort to Prepare for Pandemic to Endemic

National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo directly observes the acceleration of vaccination activities at the BRI Radio Dalam GOR, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (March 8, 2022). This acceleration is also carried out at 5,777 vaccination points throughout Indonesia, with a target of 1.5 million vaccine doses.

On that occasion, Sigit said, acceleration of vaccination will continue to be carried out throughout Indonesia as an effort to prepare for, and support the Government’s strategy to turn a Pandemic into an Endemic.

“Why do we do it, because we really want to pursue the efforts that we are currently doing to prepare programs from the Pandemic Endemic,” said Sigit after reviewing the activity to reporters.

close, the Minister of Health said that the Indonesian government was preparing a strategy to turn a pandemic into an endemic.

Sigit added, in order to support the efforts of the Government, one of the benchmarks for implementing this strategy is to accelerate vaccination for the people of Indonesia. Then of course it must be accompanied by controlling the rate of growth of Covid-19.

“On the one hand, we control how the rate of growth of Covid-19 can be controlled. Then our recovery rate is expected to increase and the death rate we keep to a minimum, by taking care of the community at home. So that the fatality rate can be avoided,” said Sigit.

The former Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Indonesian National Police also revealed that Indonesia has received a target from the WHO at the end of May to realize that all provinces can achieve vaccination of 70 percent.

“Even though nationally, our current figure for dose two is already quite high, above 71 percent. However, if we calculate it at a provincial level, it is not evenly distributed, even if, as in DKI Jakarta itself, the dose II is already above 100 percent,” said the former Banten Police Chief.

On the other hand, Sigit also reminded the public to vaccinate dose 3 or booster by utilizing outlets and facilities provided by all related parties.

Sigit, explained that the 3rd dose of vaccination will provide higher immunity or immunity against all types of Covid-19 variants. Booster vaccine, said Sigit, can also reduce fatalities for people exposed to the corona virus, especially those with comorbidities.

“Because the statistics are there. Of course, those who are more complete have a higher level of immunity and a lower risk of fatality. This is what we of course keep in mind. So we are really ready to prepare our community from the Delta, Omicron or new variants, of course there are mutations that we must always be ready for,” said Sigit.

In addition, Sigit also appreciated the youth groups who are members of Cipayung Plus for synergizing and collaborating in the acceleration of the vaccination program today.

He hopes that, in the future, the youth group, which is the nation’s next generation, can provide socialization to the public about the importance of getting vaccinated to control the Covid-19 pandemic.

“In the future, we will continue to synergize to carry out various activities to handle the Covid-19 pandemic, restore national economic recovery (PEN), and other activities,” said Sigit.

Not only observing directly, Sigit also provided virtual guidance to all his staff in Indonesia in the context of controlling the Covid-19 Pandemic.

During the vaccination acceleration activity, the National Police Chief also saw firsthand the people’s market program that sells cooking oil at a lower price to the general public. Meanwhile, residents who vaccinated were given food packages.