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Jokowi’s Order: Immediately Get A Booster, WFH For Those Who Could

According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), 840 cases of omicron have been reported so far. President Jokowi delivered a series of messages regarding the new version that shocked the world.

Of the reported cases, imported cases of homecomers still dominate. Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Vaccination of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Dr. Siti Nadia Tarmizi, said there were only 174 cases of local transmission.

Meanwhile, the DKI Jakarta Health Office reported that in its area there were 856 cases of omicron mutations. Of these, 193 were local infections.

Speaking in a press release on Tuesday (18/1/2022), President Jokowi conveyed a number of things as follows.

1. Be Careful But No Need To Panic

Jokowi quoted the WHO report, saying the omicron variant was more easily transmitted. However, the symptoms it causes are less pronounced, so sufferers usually do not need to be hospitalized.

“Be careful you need to be careful, you need to be vigilant, but don’t cause fear and panic,” Jokowi said.

2. Work From Home As Much As Possible 

Jokowi reminded to reduce mobility and prevent the spread of infection. If there is no urgency, it is advisable to reduce activity in densely populated centers.

“And for those who can work from home, Work From Home, do work from home,” said Jokowi.

Jokowi advised not to travel abroad unless it was essential and urgent.

3. Strict Proces

In addition to calls to limit movement, Jokowi also reminded to follow stricter health protocols. These include wearing masks, social distancing and washing hands.

“The point is to follow health protocols with discipline,” said Jokowi.

4. Immediately Find Booster Vaccines

Regarding vaccination, Jokowi emphasized that he must immediately be fully vaccinated. For those who are complete, Jokowi suggested to immediately look for a booster or a third dose of injection.

“Those who have had 2 vaccines, immediately look for a third vaccine, a booster vaccine. Everything is free because vaccination is important for the safety of all of us,” he stressed.