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In front of Pati graduates, the National Police Chief Determines to Make the Police Loved by the Community

National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo attended the pre-dismissal of the Police High Officer (Pati) in 2021. In front of Patty’s graduates, Sijit emphasized his determination to continue the baton of his predecessors.

“We are determined to continue the baton given by our predecessors, so that we can truly make the police as an institution that is trustworthy, professional, close and loved by the community,” said Sigitte in his remarks. PTIK Auditorium, South Jakarta, Tuesday (21/21). 12/12/2021).

Not only that, Sigit said the current police will also work hard to achieve the goals of President Jokowi’s government. Especially in the context of building a strong and developing Indonesia and preparing Indonesia for gold in 2045.

“To be able to deliver Indonesia to realize the ideals of a strong and growing Indonesia and to enter Indonesia as a gold in 2045,” said Sigit.

The former Banten Police Chief appreciated the hard work and dedication that carved gold ink from all seniors while serving in the Bhayangkara Corps. As the successor, Sigit emphasized that he will continue the good things that already exist and continue to make improvements from any shortcomings.

Sigit realizes that his duties and challenges as a member of the police are constantly changing and becoming increasingly complex. Therefore, Sigit stated, the National Police must be able to adapt to all the developments of the times and the existing strategic environment.

“So that we can continue to adapt and exist as a modern institution or institution to be able to adjust what the community expects. As the expert opinion that the one who is able to survive is not the strongest and the smartest, but he is the one who is most able to adapt to change. We must maintain this in order to maintain and bring Tribrata for us to fly higher,” said Sigit.

The determination to become an institution that is increasingly loved by the community, according to Sigit, has been outlined with the concept of Precision (Predictiveness, Responsibility, and Transparency with Justice).

Of course, what we are doing is inseparable from the road map that has been inscribed by seniors. And we make adjustments to continue to adapt and place the Police as an institution that always exists. We ask for guidance and advice from seniors so that we can oversee our strategy to be implemented and realized properly,” said the former Police Chief of Criminal Investigation Unit.

Furthermore, Sigit said that currently the National Police was given the task by President Jokowi to be at the forefront of handling the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. That task must be able to go hand in hand with its main duty as Bhayangkara who protects, serves, and protects the community.

All these tasks, continued Sigit, were answered by controlling the COVID-19 pandemic, which is currently improving. This, according to him, could not be separated from the hard work of all police personnel together with the TNI, relevant agencies, and all levels of society.

“Alhamdulillah, today is thanks to the hard work of all elements of society to help the Police who are on the front lines. The rate of COVID-19 can be controlled,” said Sigit.

Even in the midst of the pandemic, Sigit said, Indonesia has been able to organize several national and international events while still paying attention to safety and health factors. Starting from the PON in Papua, Superbike at the Mandalika Circuit, NTB, the implementation of the G20. Peparnas Papua, IAWP, and IBF 2021.

According to Sigit, the success of the implementation while still paying attention to safety and health will have a positive impact on economic growth in Indonesia.

“Economic growth is improving, in the second quarter we were at 7 percent, in the third quarter we were at 3.51 percent. It is hoped that COVID-19 can be controlled, although there is an Omicron variant, we hope it will be at 4.5 to 5 percent,” explained Sigit.

The National Police, said Sigit, today must also be able to adapt to the development of information in the 4.0 era and society 5.0. Where, at this time, the public is more able to pay more attention to institutions in providing services, especially on social media (social media).

With these developments, Sigit emphasized, if the implementation of tasks does not go well and violations are still found, this will greatly affect the level of public trust, especially the Police.

This, according to Sigit, is evidenced by the emergence of several hashtags related to the public’s view of the Police. However, Sigit ensured, all of these things were used as input and evaluation so that the Bhayangkara Corps in the future would be better and loved by the community.

Not only that, Sigit explained, for the first time, the National Police held a mural competition and oration for demonstrations to the public. The goal is that the aspirations and freedom of expression of citizens can be channeled. According to him, it is also a representation that the government and the police are not anti-criticism.

Sigit was grateful that the activity received a positive response from all circles. In fact, at this time, the Police have a level of public trust that continues to increase.

“Some time ago the level of public trust had decreased. But thank God, from yesterday’s national survey, the National Police was at 80.20 percent which according to them was the highest figure for the last few years. And several other surveys from Charta Politica and Populi Center which put the police as the number 3 most trusted agency and the first rank of law enforcement agencies. This is all the result of the hard work of all members and the support of seniors who provide input to improve, we cannot be in our comfort zone or we are left behind,” said Sigit.

On this occasion, Sigit also emphasized that he is currently focusing on implementing leadership and ethical competencies for all police personnel. That way, he hopes that every member of the National Police has a leadership spirit that serves all circles.

“We will continue to develop this in order to improve the Police in the future. We will give punishment to those who can’t afford it and rewards are an obligation for Polri members who excel and change to make our beloved institution better. Please support to continue what has been inscribed and prepared by all existing seniors. There is a saying that seniors may be able to retire from Polri positions, but we are sure that seniors will not stop contributing and contributing to community, nation and state services outside the National Police. Many areas of service. And we believe that the Police are not alone in their work, because seniors are always guarding outside. To all seniors, please respect,” said Sigit.

Not to forget, Sigit took the time to express his deep condolences to the six seniors who had preceded him. Namely Inspector General of Police (Ret.) F.F.J. Mirah; Inspector General (Purn) Widodo Eko Prihastopo; Inspector General (Ret.) Alex Sampe, S.H.; Brigadier General (Ret.) Awan Samodra; Brigadier General (Ret.) Nur Saptono Djurartono, M.H.; and Brigadier General (Ret.) Zulkifli.

The event was attended by 203 Pati Polri graduates consisting of 3 graduates with the rank of General, 13 graduates with the rank of Komjen, 101 graduates with the rank of Inspector General, and 86 graduates with the rank of Brigadier General. They have successfully completed a period of service for approximately 35 years in the Polri institution.