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Anticipating Covid-19, Pulau Petak Police Routinely Holds Yustisi Operations


Kapuas Police – As one of the socialization efforts related to Presidential Instruction No. 6 of 2020 regarding the discipline of health protocols (prokes), especially the use of masks, the Pulau Petak Police carried out the Yustisi Operation in their jurisdiction.

“We carry out this activity in Sei Tatas Hilir Village, Kec. Petak Island Kab. Kapuas, Central Kalimantan,” explained Petak Island Police Chief Iptu Kasil B. Kawintana, Monday (25/10/2021).

“People who ignore the health protocol, which is not wearing masks, we give verbal warnings considering this is to avoid the spread of covid 19, and has become the attention of the central government,” said the police chief.

This police officer hopes that the people in the district. Petak Island can be more compliant in implementing health protocols to prevent the spread of Covid-19 on Petak Island. (ver)