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Brimob Unit and Biddokkes Polda Kepri Hold Goes To School Vaccination at SD Negeri 013 Sagulung Batam

Simultaneous vaccination throughout Indonesia for children aged 6-11 years at SDN 013 Sagulung on Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Simultaneous vaccination activities started from registration, screening, injecting, inputting data with vaccinators from the combined personnel of the Riau Islands Police Biddokkes and the Riau Islands Police Satbrimob.

In this activity, a health team from the Mobile Brigade Health Section was also dispatched to serve in the screening section for children who will receive the Covid-19 vaccination.

At the vaccination location, the Principal of SD Negeri 013 Sagulung Mr. Kusnoto said, “We from the school and also the parents of the students of SD Negeri 013 Sagulung say a big thank you to the Riau Islands Police Chief who has held vaccinations for children aged 6-11 years in our school and we strongly support the vaccination program for children in our school,” he said.

Dansat Brimob Riau Islands Police Kombes Pol. M. Rendra Salipu, S.I.K., M.Si via P.S. Head of Kesjas Aiptu Yasser Kalami said “Vaccination of children aged 6-11 years aims to increase immunity from Covid-19 as well as accelerate the formation of herd immunity for children,” he said.

Then we also urge the public to continue to jointly increase awareness of the discipline of implementing health protocols and vaccinations as an effort for all of us to fight COVID-19,” he said.