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The National Police Chief Raises His Voice in Response to the hashtag “No Viral No Justice”


The National Police Chief spoke up in response to the hashtag #NoViralNoJustice. Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said the police must accept public opinion and instruct their staff to immediately improve themselves.

The National Police Chief revealed a hashtag containing a comparison of cases handled that went viral with cases that are commonly reported.

“Currently the phenomenon of No Viral No Justice is emerging. So if it doesn’t go viral, the law doesn’t work. They made a comparison of how cases that started out viral were compared to cases that started out. reported under normal conditions. What goes viral tends to disappear quickly,” said the National Police Chief while chairing a coordination meeting.

He asked his colleagues to pay attention to this phenomenon, especially by responding to the hashtag #ViralForJustice. The National Police Chief said the police appreciate public criticism and will carry out an assessment.

“Of course we have to accept all the perceptions that arise in the audience as part of the evaluation, part of our criticism and of course this is when we get better, we improve and then do better to meet people’s expectations,” he said. .

Meanwhile, Kompolnas assesses that now is the right time to change the police culture, especially community service. Poengky Indarti also sees the need for police officers to be equipped with cameras for tighter supervision while on duty.

The use of police-mounted cameras (bodycams) during service is not new: at least ten United States countries, from China to Singapore use this technology.

“In the era of technological advancement, we hope that members are equipped with body cameras and dashboard cameras so that they can be monitored properly,” he concluded.