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Nusa II Humanitarian Operation is Safe in the Hands of the National Police

The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, immediately issued an order number Sprin/XII/OPS.2./2021 to conduct the humanitarian operation Aman Nusa II in the context of tackling the natural disaster of the eruption of Mount Semeru in Lumajang Regency, East Java (East Java).

As Sigit revealed, the Sprin was issued as a form of commitment from the police, who are always at the forefront and are responsive in helping people who are victims of natural disasters.

All the best elements of the police force are deployed to help residents who are victims of the Mount Semeru eruption. We maximize all facilities and infrastructure to ease the burden on the community, “Sigit said to the media crew on Sunday (12/5).

In this humanitarian operation, Sigit said, the National Police had deployed 945 joint personnel from the Korbrimob Pioneers and the Satbrimob Polda ranks. Then, six K-9 dogs have also been sent to the disaster site.

In addition, the police have also deployed equipment and vehicles related to the eruption. Among them are SAR cars, field kitchen cars, reaper cars, water treatment cars, and ambulances. Furthermore, one helicopter has also been sent and is ready to operate at the disaster site.

All personnel, equipment, and vehicles that are deployed are confirmed to be ready to face conditions in the field. Our health services and emergency public kitchens have been prepared and can be used by the community, “said Sigit.

Meanwhile, the National Police Health Center team has also prepared the Bhayangkara Lumajang Hospital as a post for victims of the Mount Semeru eruption. In fact, Bhayangkara Hospital in Batu, Kediri, and Bondowoso also sent an ambulance.

Not only that, the National Police Headquarters Health Center is also backing up by deploying seven DVI Expert personnel and plastic surgery specialists to natural disaster locations. The East Java Regional Police Biddokes have also prepared four DVI posts at Bhayangkara Lumajang Hospital, Haryoto Hospital, Candipuro Penanggal, and Pronojiwo.

Sigit instructed all ranks in charge of the humanitarian operation to actively coordinate with related parties. He also asked to communicate with the National Police Headquarters if he needed additional facilities and infrastructure.

“Maximize the direction of members and equipment in disaster management, especially in residential areas or residential areas for residents who need evacuation,” said the former Banten Police Chief.

Sigit hopes that by deploying all the best forces possessed by the National Police, it can ease the burden on local communities who are facing natural disasters.

Residents shouldn’t hesitate to ask the police for help. I will make sure the police are here to help and ease the burden on the community. If there is a shortage, we will send and back up from Headquarters and other Polda, “concluded Sigit.