In commemoration of the 76th Anniversary of the Brimob Police Corps, the Asahan Police carried out social services (baksos) by providing basic food assistance to Asahan Police personnel who were sick and residents affected by Covid-19 at five points, namely at Madrasah Aliyah, Orphanage Orphanage Jl. . Sm Raja Kisaran, the residence of Aiptu Bambang Suherman, the residence of Brigadier Rizal and at the residence of the Head of Nadhalatul Ulama Kab. Asahan. Sopiyan Jl. Range Eagle. Friday (12/11/2021) Afternoon.
There are 75 packages of basic food provided in this activity. Which contains rice, sugar, milk, cooking oil, and instant noodles.
Asahan Police Chief AKBP Putu Yudha Prawira, S.I.K., M.H., through Asahan Police Deputy Commissioner Sri Juliani S.H. said the activity of providing basic food packages to the underprivileged is a form of attention given by the Asahan Police so that it can be useful and utilized in daily needs in commemoration of the 76th anniversary of the Brimob Police Corps.
“In addition to distributing food packages to people affected by Covid-19, his party also disseminated to the public about the 3M health protocol, namely Wearing Masks, Washing Hands, and Keeping Distance. It is important to wash hands regularly, wear masks and keep a distance, stay away from crowds, because this is an effort to prevent the spread of Covid-19,” said the female police officer, a former paratrooper from the Brimob corps.
Furthermore, the Waka Polres revealed that this social service activity was held to help the underprivileged, with the distribution of basic necessities, it was hoped that it would help ease the burden on the community in meeting their daily needs.
“We are trying our best to help the community. Hopefully what we are doing can be useful for people in need,” concluded Asahan Police Deputy Commissioner Sri Juliani Siregar S.H.
Appearing to be present at the activity were the personnel of the former Brimob Corps who served at the Asahan Police and TNI and Asahan Police personnel.