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Bhayangkara Mural Festival 2021 Cup of National Police Chief of South Sulawesi Regional Police with Millions of Rupiah Prizes


The South Sulawesi Regional Police will hold the 2021 Bhayangkara Mural Festival with the National Police Chief trophy with a prize of tens of millions of rupiah in order to inspire the spirit of the movement in conveying positive messages through mural media.

The Head of the South Sulawesi Regional Police Headquarters Kombes Pol E. Zulpan said, the 2021 Bhayangkara Mural Festival (BMF) is a festival/contest organized by the National Police Headquarters which will be carried out simultaneously by all Polda throughout Indonesia to bring together various communities and mural activists into Indonesian mural culture. .

“The main point is for the community and mural activists to be able to present their work to the right stage,” said E. Zulpan in his office, Wednesday (06/10/2021).

E. Zulpan continued, the theme of the 2021 BMF is “The Role of the Young Generation to Be Creative in Conveying Positive Information During the Covid-19 Pandemic”.

As for the sub-themes are:
1. Caring for each other during the covid-19 pandemic.
2. Together running Prokes.
3. Indonesia is healthy and strong.
4. Free from covid-19.
5. Together to protect Indonesia.

The 2021 South Sulawesi Regional Police BMF will be held from 30 to 31 October 2021 at the old building in front of The Rinra hotel, Jl. Metro Tanjung Bunga Makassar.

Registration will be open until October 17 via online or offline at the Bidhumas room of the Polda Sulsel Jl. Pioneer of Independence KM 16 Makassar.

At the time of registration, participants must send a mural concept (design) in PDF form to the committee to be selected by a competent jury.

“Because the wall media for competition participants is limited so not all participants can be accommodated to take part in the 2021 BMF competition, the jury will conduct a preliminary selection stage,” said E. Zulpan.

On October 18-20, the designs sent by the participants will be selected by the jury to select the best 5 to be sent and selected at the Headquarters level.

On October 24, the National Police Headquarters will choose the best 1 to be included in the 2021 BMF competition at the Headquarters level with participants from 34 other Polda.

Meanwhile, 4 participants who were not selected at the Headquarters level will take part in the 2021 South Sulawesi Regional Police BMF competition with participants who passed the selection of the jury in the building in front of The Rinra Hotel Jl. Metro Tanjung Bunga Makassar, on October 30-31 and on November 1, the South Sulawesi Police Chief Inspector General Pol Merdisyam together with the Deputy Chief of the South Sulawesi Police and the Main Official of the South Sulawesi Police will review the participant’s mural works as well as hand over the prizes to the winners.

For more details, mural activists who wish to register contact the contact person Brigadier Aspar (WA: 0821-890351373) and Brigadier Wahyu (082328234405), closed E. Zulpan.