For the 2021 National Police Chief, the National Police Headquarters will organize a festival or mural art competition with the topic “The Role of the Young Generation to Be Creative in Conveying Positive Information During the Covid-19 Pandemic.”
In this regard, the National Police Chief General of Police, Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, M.Sc., announced the most recent policy to all participants. The National Police Chief has asked all entrants to build murals with sub-themes of criticism or input to the police, both favorable and bad.
“One of the goals of this mural competition was to provide a place for the community’s freedom of expression. As a result, competitors in the mural competition may later create works of art that criticize the police in both positive and negative ways. There isn’t any issue, “On Wednesday, October 20, 2021, National Police Chief General Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, M.Sc., remarked in Jakarta.
According to the former Banten Police Chief, competitors will be encouraged to express themselves in any way they see fit, as well as their opinions on the Bhayangkara Corps.
The National Police Chief stated emphatically that the National Police is not an institution that is hostile to criticism. The reason for this is that his team strongly supports freedom of expression as part of Indonesia’s democratic system.
As a result, the National Police Chief expressed his gratitude and appreciation to individuals who have provided the Polri institution with constructive feedback. Instead, it will be utilized as an evaluation tool to ensure that the Bhayangkara Corps becomes what the Indonesian people want and aspire to in the future.
“The National Police Department will never be anti-critique. All constructive feedback will be accepted and used as material for reflection in order to improve the situation in the future “Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, M.Si, the National Police Chief General, stated.
The atmosphere of anti-criticism has been enflamed within the National Police, according to the National Police Chief, since he introduced the Precision (Predictive, Responsiveness, and Transparency to Justice) idea. According to Sigit, the concept was created out of a desire to improve the Indonesian National Police.
“The early excitement for carrying out the Precision vision of creating a firm yet humane police force is still alive and well. Of course, there are dynamics that arise in the process of growing better. As a result, the police will use any accessible criticism and comments as evaluation material. professional and excellent once more, “Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, M.Si, the National Police Chief General of Police, remarked.
The 2021 National Police Chief Cup mural art festival or competition is set to take place at Bhayangkara Field on October 30, 2021. Meanwhile, registration for the National Police Chief’s Cup competition is open at the regional police level from September 27 to October 17, and at the National Police Headquarters from October 20, 2021.
In addition to criticizing, the National Police gives sub-themes such as caring for others during the Covid-19 Pandemic, working together to follow out health procedures, Indonesia being healthy and strong, free of Covid-19, and working together to safeguard Indonesia.