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Social Services on Friday, Palangka Raya Police Work Service to Clean Al-Ihsan Mosque

The personnel of the Palangka Raya Polresta, Central Kalimantan Regional Police carried out social services (baksos) by cleaning the Al-Ihan Mosque located at its command headquarters, Jalan Tjilik Riwut Km 3.5, Palangka Raya City, Central Kalimantan.

Social services were also carried out by working together to clean the mosque, which was monitored for continuity by the Head of the Palangka Raya Police, Kombes Pol. Sandi Alfadien Mustofa, S.I.K., M.H., Friday (15/10/2021) morning.

“This community service is carried out after the morning apple and gymnastics together, so that the mosque environment in the Palangka Raya Police Headquarters can always be clean,” said the Police Chief.

The personnel also carry out this service sincerely and work together, starting from cleaning the interior and outside to the courtyard of the prayer room.

“With clean conditions like this, it is hoped that it can create a comfortable atmosphere for everyone when worshiping and praying at the Al-Iksan Mosque at the Palangka Raya Police Headquarters,” said Sandi.

He also added that this activity was one of his unit’s efforts to maintain the cleanliness of the internal environment during the Covid-19 Pandemic which is still hitting today.

“With a clean and healthy environment, hopefully it can prevent the risk of spreading Covid-19 in the Palangka Raya Police Headquarters internal area, so that it can protect everyone who is in it,” he concluded.