The Maluku Regional Police will host the 2021 Bhayangkara Mural Festival Competition and win the National Police Chief and Maluku Police Chief Trophy. The creative wall painting competition will be held simultaneously from 30 October to 1 November 2021 in all local police in Indonesia.
The Head of Public Relations of the Maluku Police, Kombes Pol. Dr. M. Rum Ohoirat said that the Bhayangkara Mural Festival Competition 2021 aims to provide creative space for mural artists. On Monday (10 April 2021).
Rum said in his office: “This event aims to inspire artists to convey positive messages through the medium of murals.” A competition was also held to bring together various mural communities and process them into Indonesian mural culture.
“We, the National Police, open space for mural artists so that they can display their work in the right place or place,” he explained.
Rum admitted that the theme of the Bhayangkara mural festival in 2021 is “during the COVID-19 pandemic, the younger generation plays a creative role in conveying positive messages”.
He explained: “There are 5 sub-themes, namely, caring for others during the Covid-19 pandemic, implementing joint health procedures, Indonesia being healthy and strong, not being affected by Covid-19, and protecting Indonesia together.”
Prospective registered participants must include a mural design concept and have the following requirements:
The prospective participants who register must include a mural design concept, with the following requirements:
The submitted work is in accordance with the specified sub-theme.
Mural concept in PDF format in pixel size, maximum 2500 pixels.
2.44m x 3.66m media ratio.
Original work and has not been published in other activities.
Group category (Maximum 2 people) includes the name of the chairman and one member.
Provide a comprehensive description of the mural concept by including a word file that explains the concept of the work that the participants made.
Submission of works before the deadline of October 17, 2021.
The committee’s decision is final and cannot be contested.
The works that have been submitted to the committee become the property of the organizer.
“Later on, we will select the 5 best sketches from the sketches that are submitted and send them to the National Police Headquarters. After that, the National Police Headquarters will select the best sketch that represents the police in the Maluku region. At the same time, another sketch. will be published in competitive locations that are ready,” he explained.
The spokesman for the Maluku Police invited the public to take part in the 2021 Bhayangkara Mural Festival competition.