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The Presence of a National Digital ASAP Application Appears To Accelerate Forest Fire Fighting

Jakarta – Forest and land fires (karhutla) have so far become a classic case that seems endless. Indonesia even had complaints from neighboring countries, namely Singapore and Malaysia, which were disturbed by smoke pollution due to forest and land fires.

The government is now trying a new strategy in tackling forest and land fires, namely by using the National Digital Control Analysis System (ASAP) Application. This application is useful for accelerating the response to forest and land fires.

The National Digital Control Analysis System (ASAP) application was officially launched by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

Sigit stated that the ASAP application will also facilitate the investigation and investigation system of the perpetrators of forest fires. It is hoped that this will add a deterrent effect to the perpetrators.

“Of course, with this application we can also take several further steps to carry out investigations and investigations on the perpetrators caught by this application so that we can proceed further,” said Sigit quoting Legal, Wednesday (15/9/2021).

Sigit also hopes that with this application, he can be aware of and witness quickly or in real time the hotspots. So that prevention and treatment can be directly carried out by officers, to immediately carry out the fire.

“We immediately forwarded it to the closest members who after that could make quick movements to stop at that point to carry out the blackout,” said the former Police Criminal Investigation Officer.

Sigit further explained that the National Digital ASAP application will be integrated with the application for handling forest and land fires, which are owned by Ministries/Agencies (K/L), BUMN and the Regional Police. So, said Sigit, the matter is able to accelerate the prevention and handling of forest and land fires.

“Where indeed this application combines all the potential that exists in the ministry, in BUMN for us to unite it into a monitoring process in the context of preventing and controlling forest and land fires more quickly,” said Sigit.

ASAP Digital Nasional enhances and integrates various pre-existing applications in several areas, including Lembuswana, East Kalimantan, Hanyakeun Musuh, Central Kalimantan, Proboscis monkeys, South Kalimantan, Lancang Kuning, Riau, North Sumatra and North Kalimantan, Songket South Sumatra, ASAP Digital Jambi, Sipongi. Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and LAPAN Satellite.

The first national digital ASAP technology has installed 28 CCTV points at 10 Polda prone to forest and land fires, namely Jambi Police, South Sumatra Police, Aceh Police, North Sumatra Police, Riau Police, South Kalimantan Police, Central Kalimantan Police, West Kalimantan Police, East Kalimantan Police and North Kalimantan Police.

As for the second step in December 2021, it is planned to re-install 40 CCTV points against 10 Polda who have installed CCTV initially, along with 3 other Polda prone to forest and land fires, namely the Riau Islands Police, the Southeast Sulawesi Police, and the Papua Police.

National digital ASAP has various advantages, namely, CCTV Live Auto monitoring, where the CCTV camera installed has High Definiton capability and is able to monitor 360 degrees with a range of 4 Km and a radius of 8 Km coverage and can also cover an area of ​​5,026 Ha.

Not only that, the National Digital ASAP application is also capable of manual zooming of 40x and able to play recordings in the last two months. Equipped with sensors capable of displaying air temperature, quality, and humidity, hotspot data which is updated every 5 minutes, manages LAPAN satellite update information, weather forecast information, knowledge of information related to company land maps, water sources, and village boundaries and movement positions. personnel to be aware of the position of the nearest officer from the hotspot.