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Illegal Covid Vaccination Volunteers Business, West Java Regional Police kidnaps Dozens of Fake Vaccine Certificate Buyers

Bandung. The West Java Regional Police have pocketed data on buyers of fake vaccine letters from two former volunteer Covid-19 vaccination officers. The police will hunt them down and investigate the theme of purchasing the fake vaccine certificate. Director of the Special Crime Investigation Unit (Dirreskrimsus) of the West Java Police, Kombes Pol. Arif Rahman, S.H., said the two former volunteers worked separately. From suspect JO, 9 fake vaccine letters were obtained that were ready to be circulated.

Meanwhile, the disclosure of IF found 26 vaccine letters that have been sold. “We will pursue these users and reveal them. You have proposed (disclosure and data) to the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes),” he said at a press conference at the West Java Police Headquarters, Tuesday (14/9/2021).

Dirreskrimsus Polda Jabar said, for the time being this data is already in the Ministry of Health and it is hoped that the letter can be suspended or canceled so that it is not used for certain things. Meanwhile, the police will also investigate the use of the vaccine certificate by suspects of falsifying vaccine certificates and arresting them for a better response to the pandemic. Incidents like this must be eradicated because they are detrimental to the government’s efforts to accelerate people’s participation in the COVID-19 vaccination. “This vaccination is important to achieve herd immunity,” he said.

The Ministry of Health will also follow up on information from the West Java Police to cancel the use of vaccine letters by buyers. Because people who can get the letter must have been vaccinated. Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police, Kombes Pol. Erdi A. Chaniago, S.I.K., M.Sc., invites the public to participate in the vaccination. Currently tens of millions of West Java residents have received the vaccine and the majority of them are healthy and their immunity is increasing. Don’t just look for shortcuts to do things before getting a vaccine. Because this vaccine is useful for breaking the chain of the spread of COVID-19 in West Java and Indonesia. “People should not be afraid to administer the vaccine because it is safe and guaranteed by the government,” he concluded.