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Reviewing Vaccine Center at UI, National Police Chief: Eliminate Differences United Against Covid-19!

JAKARTA – National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo directly inspected the Indonesian Student Vaccination Center (SVMI) at the University of Indonesia (UI) Sports Facility (SOR), Depok, West Java, Thursday (12/8/2021).

This SVMI is a collaboration between the National Police together with the entire Academic Community of the University of Indonesia, Depok City Forkopimda, Students, Volunteers, medical personnel, BUMN, Private and all elements of society. With the aim of accelerating vaccination in order to accelerate Herd Immunity or group immunity against the corona virus.

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Sigit emphasized that for the handling and control of Covid-19 and the acceleration of Herd Immunity against the corona virus, synergy and cooperation from all elements of the nation are needed. Therefore, Sigit emphasized to eliminate all differences and join hands to fight together against the Covid-19 Pandemic.

“Because Herd Immunity can be achieved if we all join forces and synergize. Because right now what we need is how all elements of this nation unite to fight Covid-19. Temporarily eliminate our differences, unite us against Covid-19, to immediately advance towards Indonesia rises, that is of course the hope of all of us,” said Sigit in his review.

The former Banten Police Chief said the Covid-19 pandemic was a challenge for Indonesia and the whole world. Thus, the synergy of all elements of the nation is the key to creating a new life or New Normal in the midst of a situation like today.

“Because this is our common challenge, the challenge of the whole country. Who can first recover from the Covid-19 condition, so that then return to the New Normal life which is certainly our shared goal,” said the former Police Criminal Investigation Officer.

Therefore, Sigit really appreciates the activities of the Indonesian Student Vaccination Center at the UI Campus. According to him, this is a tangible manifestation of the creation of synergy between community groups to support the Government’s program in fighting the corona virus pandemic.

“So of course this is our common concern for us to fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. Of course, many programs have been carried out by the Government, in order to contain the rate of Covid-19 and how are our efforts to be able to take steps in order to prevent the pace and efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19. treat, heal and also increase immunity against Covid-19,” said Sigit.

To contain the Covid-19 growth rate, the Government has taken a number of steps, ranging from PSBB, PPKM, Emergency PPKM to PPKM at the current level. Even so, said Sigit, the government still pays attention to the community’s economic sector to keep moving.

“But on the one hand, the economic sector must also be considered so that there is also slack at the levels,” said Sigit.

Sigit explained, in controlling Covid-19 there are three keys or strategies. The first is the implementation of strict health protocols. Such as, wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds and reducing mobility.

“Regarding this compliance, of course, we must always be reminded, because indeed this is the main key to using masks then keeping a distance from crowds and also carrying out restrictions. So that this process can run, we are all doing this to keep the community from being easily infected or for positive OTG infecting others,” said Sigit.

The next key is strengthening 3T (testing, tracing and treatment). This is important because if the handling is right, the prevention of transmission and treatment can be maximized.

“Obviously this is important, because if it’s too late, it will have an impact on the community who are positive not caught and then the handling is slow so there is a risk of it getting worse. So this is also asking for cooperation from all of us tracing and testing officers trying to be optimal, doing their job and we hope from The community also participates, especially those with a history of close contact to want to be traced and tested,” said Sigit.

And the last key is the acceleration of the mass vaccination program. This activity requires cooperation between all levels of society.

“Then, one of the strategies that must be properly implemented to increase the resistance of the Covid-19 attack, is that vaccination and vaccination activities must inevitably be carried out by involving all stakeholders, people who have the ability to join,” said Sigit.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chancellor 1 for Academic and Student Affairs, University of Indonesia, Abdul Haris expressed his appreciation to the National Police Chief, for actively supporting the vaccination center activities on the UI Campus.

“We are grateful and express our gratitude for the support from the National Police Chief who met today and at the same time provided support for the availability of vaccines and support for providing basic necessities to the community,” said Abdul Haris on the same occasion.

Abdul Haris ensured that the entire UI Academic Community was ready to support all Government programs in handling and controlling the Covid-19 Pandemic.

“We, of course, support the government’s program so that we can carry out the target of 2 million vaccinations per day. We ourselves have a target of at least 2,000 vaccines per day to the community. We can quickly fulfill efforts to establish herd immunity for the community,” he said. .

On this occasion, the National Police Chief also handed over social assistance to the community. The goal is to help people who are most affected by the economy in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic